Every school has tests, tests that check their ineptness, tests to show their ability to learn to be "just like everyone else." This test defines a child's future according to this worlds standards. But what if the worlds standards are wrong? What if the way most children learn isn't the only way? Children come into this world so small and at our mercy...but what if we took a moment and learned from them? What if our world combined all of the ways of learning and created a new world of love?
Here is a story of a young man who learned differently his whole life and yet his abilities to do things are very profound. Here is a story of Joshua Lind a young father who has struggled with these things his whole life and yet he finds the silver lining within it all. (see some of his drawings at the end of the story,they are Incredible!)
" Well, let's see, where do I begin? I know every person has a story within them,
I have many. Many of my stories I keep secret to the point that even
family members and close friends do not fully see until I reveal it to
them. It wasn't that I wanted to keep my secrets confidential, it was
more like I wanted to understand my personal cryptic life more correctly first
before I said anything to... well really, anyone. I knew I was different
growing up, but not until adulthood did I learn why. Here is one of them,
I was never shy growing up. Surprised? Yes it's silly I know. Most people
would argue with me on that one who grew up with me in school. To me, the
definition of a shy person is a person afraid to talk to others. Someone that
perhaps gets in a state of apprehension, uncertainty and fear resulting from
anticipation in thinking of talking to someone. At least, that was
the definition of what I thought shyness was and that was definitely not
me. So why was I considered shy growing up?
Here is
another secret, I can't remember your name very well. Yes everyone
forgets names now and then from time to time, but is it to the point you can't
remember a name of a person you known for 30 years? Not just with one person,
but with every person. Luckily I can remember some family members and my wife's,
but that's it. Does this make any sense?
last one and then I'll stop being so vague. In High school I have been told I
am a smart person. Others would even cheat off my homework at school and get
good grades, but did you know when I took my A.C.T. test. the most important
test in school to take when wanting to get into collage, I scored just an 11 on
it. I have not met anyone lower yet when trying to score good, and I
promise you I did my best to do good on that test and I had no test anxiety.
what is all this about then? Well here's the truth, I'm
disabled. Yup, I have been all my life. I am a jumble of hidden
things in one body. I'm dyslexic, have Dysnomia, Low Latent Inhibition,
and lean towards the Aspergers syndrome disorder. Not to mention RLS, but
that's another story.
So to
the normal person, what does all this mean? Well most people think with mainly
with words when talking to others. With me, it's was different.
There was very little dialogue in my mind. I think with mainly pictures and
concepts and virtually no verbal words in my mind at all. I'm a picture
thinker. It's my first language. And when talking to others, there
is a time delay to translate pictures into words, and when I found the
right words to say, the conversation would then be long gone and onto another
subject. Because of that, I didn't contribute much to talking to others.
I got labeled as shy when in reality I was just a little two cylinder engine
trying to keep up with a six cylinder type of average person.
related to my dyslexia because I see words in pictures form and my mind is good
at spinning and moving those words in different prospective and points of view.
This becomes fun when a person talks. I had to go to speech therapy to
learn to memorize common sayings to just keep a conversation going like, nice
weather we are having, or that's awesome, or my favorite, you stumped me there,
let me think for a sec.
is a type of aphasia. It is when you may know what a person, place, or thing
is, but your mind cannot recall the names of those things. You have the tip of
the tongue experience all the time every time. It's similar to those in
nursing homes that start losing their minds of names of things, but luckily I
don't have to go through that because I have already been born to think that
way. I have this problem because of Low Latent Inhibition.
Latent Inhibition is better understood when you understand Latent
Inhibition. Everyone has it. It is when you go to a door, for example,
for the very first time. You look at it and notice the details of what
you see. There is scuff marks on the handle that is made out of brass,
crackly paint on the door, and smudge marks from others from the past kicking
the door with their shoes. But, after awhile, you go to the one door, you
gone to them all. Your brain adapts, you see less details. You know
what they're used for and open them and shut them and go on your way. You
notice less details, because you brain treats it as old stimuli so it doesn't
get bombarded all the time with all the information around you. This is
normal. It's healthy. If you didn't have this happen, you would go crazy
with all the mass of information going into your mind. A person with Low
Latent Inhibition is a person that has a low ability to stop old information to
be treated as new. For example you go to a door that you been to many
times and you notice the details all the time as if it was new.... every.....
single .....time.... Okay, I got to let out some frustration and use my adopted
swear word. Ready, cover your ears, "Curse words....."
There, I'm better now. Anyway, You can't shut it off, it just
doesn't work that way. You don't have the ability to stop all this
incoming information. Your body starts developing disabilities like autism, Aspergers, or other similar disabilities if you can't handle it. This is
where my Dysnomia came in to play. My brain threw out names of things as
useless information so it could handle all the incoming details around me.
Trust me, it's involuntary, or rather, I can't control it, it just happens.
So why
do I share all this, It's a little detailed and scientific to explain but to
explain it in any other way would not be possible. I share this so that you can
have a perspective of my secret.
It's a
blessing. Compassion for others has been the fruit of this experience...
I learned that I am not dumb, or less intelligent. I am just wired
different. It's only a disadvantage in a world that works opposite in the
way I work. In fact, given the right situation provided, I do good in
schooling and test and have even been on the dean's list. But at the same
time and in the same measurement of time when achieving this awesome goodness,
I also performed the worst and still do. It will be something I will live with
the rest of my life. But I know God lives and is good to us all. I
would love to share more, but to understand my true story, I had to share this
secret first. I'll only be able to share my story of blessings in life if
only you have an understanding of my little hiccups of this mortal body.
If I am able, I will share them latter, but as you can imagine. writing
this took just over 3 hours and I'm tired of writing for now. but until
then, stay tuned."
What an incredible life.. and what an amazing way to look at your challenges. Thank you for inspiring me to be more positive and looking at things in a better light. Josh you are an incredible example to all. Thank you again.
John from the New Testament on the left.
And an old man on the right that has a hidden meaning. Cover up half of his face to the left and right and see his expression change. (Both drawn by Joshua Lind)
*Please send me your edge of the miracle story to (edgeofthemiracle@outlook.com). I will preview it and then keep in close contact with you before featuring it in an upcoming blog. There are people out there that need your strength. They need the kind of peace only your story can bring. Even if you don't feel like it is worth a feature, just know that someone out there somewhere is needing to hear how you have overcome and the lessons that you have learned. You may save their life or quite possibly save many lives. We need your story.
And an old man on the right that has a hidden meaning. Cover up half of his face to the left and right and see his expression change. (Both drawn by Joshua Lind)
*Please send me your edge of the miracle story to (edgeofthemiracle@outlook.com). I will preview it and then keep in close contact with you before featuring it in an upcoming blog. There are people out there that need your strength. They need the kind of peace only your story can bring. Even if you don't feel like it is worth a feature, just know that someone out there somewhere is needing to hear how you have overcome and the lessons that you have learned. You may save their life or quite possibly save many lives. We need your story.