Sunday, April 12, 2015

Ensnared At The Edge

       You are on the Edge of the Miracle looking back over the path that you have trudged.  It was slippery, steep, and hard to climb.  It was fraught with weeds and thorns and the worst kind of heart ache.  You know that there isn't anyway that you want to repeat that journey.  But now at this edge what should you do?  You have fallen into habits that wish to drag you back down that slope.  You are here clinging on with all of your might, but what should you do?  Stay here and wait for the pain to subside or take that leap of faith over the edge to a Father in Heaven who loves and cares for you and will help remove the pain.  You know that jumping to him will take a lot of change and these changes will be extremely hard but you also know that these changes will bring inexplicable joy if you stick with it.  You know you want joy, the kind that you once felt, the kind that lasts.  Not the kind that flees after the bottle is empty.  So you decide to jump.
Here is a story of a young father who did just that. He faced the edge and is conquering the very heartache and demons that had over taken him.  This is his EDGE OF THE MIRACLE.
*        " I'm coming up on my 4 year anniversary of being single. Of all days, my divorce was finalized on Friday, May 13, 2011.  I no longer look at Friday the 13th as a cursed day but a blessed one!  When I discovered that my "then" wife was seeing 3 men while going to counseling with me to try and piece together what was left of an 11 year marriage, I was devastated.  How does one cope with such hurt?  Well, my coping mechanism was rum and a beer in the shower after a 12 hour shift.  It felt much easier to be numb than to feel the hurt of rejection and loss of someone I gave my heart to.  I then spiraled out of control.  I was angry with life in general, I took it out on the ladies I would date.  They fell in love with me too quickly so I would break their hearts before they had the chance to do it to me first.  Three years this went on.  Their were 100's of women I dated, no, I'm not proud of that number.  I finally realized it was time to focus on me and find my own internal happiness as well as eternal.  I chose to no longer live a double standard.
A year ago January, I started the repentance process. What a struggle that was!  To sit in sacrament meeting and listen to the self righteous and judgmental people gasp as I refused the sacrament was embarrassing.  I had to tell my nephew I couldn't escort him through the temple to receive his endowments for the first time to prepare for his mission.  Thankfully my Uncle was able to step in and help.  The women were all over me (no I'm not bragging)!  Booze was so much a temptation!
In my family, I'm the only active member of the church so you can imagine what I was faced with at every family function.  Nothing like feeling like the odd ball out and realizing I no longer had much in common with my family anymore.  So many family functions I had to fake an illness or some kind of hardship to not attend for fear of persecution from my own siblings.
Throughout the course of the year I stayed strong, true and faithful in all things.  I worked on being a positive person to everyone and made many friends.  Because of my choices to abstain from booze and loose women (sorry for the derogatory term), I've been eternally blessed!  I earned a promotion at work.  My relationship with my boys' mother has never been stronger (Knock on wood).  My relationship with my siblings (well most of them) is amazing.  I received the right to perform priesthood ordanance's on both of my son's.  In January and the first weekend of the month (March) I ordained my older son a deacon, and baptized my other son in the church of our faith.
Words cannot describe how I felt/feel to be worthy of such blessings!  I'm still glowing!  It is a great weight that has been lifted off of my shoulders.  I was doing the math last February when I was attending the temple.  It has taken me 6 years to get back to the temple. What a great and peaceful feeling I felt when sitting in the Celestial room.  To know that this is the closest place to be to my heavenly father here on earth is such an amazing blessing.
Yesterday I received a phone call and learned that my mother passed away sometime throughout the night (March 14th, 2015).  Even though I was estranged to her, my siblings conversed with her daily.  My heart aches for them.  My siblings don't share the knowledge that I have of the plan of salvation.  I pray that their hearts will be comforted.  I was talking with my Uncle (mother's brother) on the phone last night.  He wanted to let me know how sorry he was and wished that we all had a better relationship with my mother.  He stated that my mother never knew the impact it had on us when she chose to walk out on us, but I did.  One thing he pointed out to me and the owner of the funeral home, earlier that day, was that I'm the only priesthood holder in the family.  What an honor it was to hear that!
I quickly remembered a thought a friend shared with me from years past.  He said that when times start to get tougher, and temptations seem to get harder to resist, means something is about to happen.  Satan is working on you to not be worthy of your priesthood.  Unfortunately I had to learn these things the hard way.  We live in a changed world.  It's not like it was 10 years ago.  The hastening of the Lord's work is happening.  My nephew, who is on his mission in Singapore right now, bore his testimony to me on Christmas that we will be witness to the second coming of Christ.  There is so much corruption in this world today.  Let's recognize what we need to do to get our lives in order so that we will be able to return to our loved ones after we cross that veil.  I know the struggle I had to endure with my divorce helped to strengthen other marriages.  Because of that they are still married, happy and vibrant!  Some have even had babies!
I know there is a purpose for me here.  I also know that I'm closer to fulfilling it.  I can just feel it!  Whatever that purpose is the Lord will make it known when it's time.   I can't wait for the day he puts me on the path to finally run into my own eternal companion.   I guess I'm not quite ready for that yet.  Or perhaps I've been there and done that, to never do again.  Either way I'm content.  I've found my own eternal happiness here on earth.  To share it with someone else would be great, no longer a priority for me.
Going through these trials left me feeling hopeless and devastated.  But because of my faith and strength I was able to rise above them.  I'm a much stronger person now.  These trials we all have to endure are just a small piece of the trials to come!  Embrace them!  The Lord is strengthening us spiritually as well as physically to take on what we are about to go through.  Pray always, be humble, accept everyone.
Thank you for your time,"
Joshua Madson
"The possibilities are endless..."
*What an amazing example of courage and faith. Thank you Josh for your inspiring words and actions.  They speak to the heart and bring a desire for strength and peace  in those that are longing to find that joy as well.  What an amazing example you are to your boys. Your boys will see all that you have over come and know that with faith Miracles can happen.  More boys need this kind of strength from their fathers. Thank you, oh thank you again.
*Please send me your edge of the miracle story to ( I will preview it and then keep in close contact with you before featuring it in an upcoming blog.  There are people out there that need your strength.  They need the kind of peace only your story can bring.  Even if you don't feel like it is worth a feature, just know that someone out there somewhere is needing to hear how you have overcome and the lessons that you have learned.  You may save their life or quite possibly save many lives. We need your story.

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